Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Blurr day in Hamamatsu...

What's your stand on the joke about Prophet Muhammad's PBUH??? Media Denmark is now the number 1 culprit to this extremely sensitive issue. Apa pasal tak pernah atau jarang media negara2 asia buat problem macam ni? benda2 tak guna macam ni selalunya media negara2 barat buat... Media orang2 asia ni baik hati dan lemah lembut ke? Media ada kuasa nak ajak orang awam pening... Ada email ajak aku boycot produk Denmark. Aku rasa baik strike kat media denmark dari kat denmark because they are the source of this problem. Sebagai contoh, kalaulah utusan keluarkan kartun tu, suka ke tak kalau orang2 Islam negara lain marah kat rakyat Malaysia??? This matter is delicate, so we must know the roots of the problem. Dont strike blindly where colateral damage is unavoidable... Yes, Malaysians too can cause colateral damage by our so called Boycot techniques yang sebelum ni tak pernah effective lagi. But if it were to succeed, kesian budak2 tak bersalah kat denmark tu... Apa motif kartun media denmark ni? Siapa untung??? Aku pun tak tahuuu... This is one of the causes of my blurr day...

Recovering from yesterday's Malas Block Day to find myself in a Blurr Day... Bila aku nak dapatkan balik Happy Days ni??? I'm trying to understand the principles of Fixed Pattern Noise... I've been infront of my PC since 4pm and have managed to confuse myself even more... Last2 aku main2 screen capture dengan data aku dan inilah hasil kerja aku kat bawah ni...

blurr block...

blur dropplet

The weather is also blurred today. Rain? No rain? Rain? No Rain? Cold? Warm? Slightly cold??? Please enjoy a few snaps of today's blurr day...

starting the blurr day

micro electronic device fab lab


snap shop blogspot editor...

convenient store, jejantas... ending the blurr day...

Colateral damage is like cancelling a little of the signal when you're actually trying to cancel the noise...


Anonymous said...

very interesting..

Izhal said...

part mana interesting? part fixed pattern noise ke part denmark???

Anonymous said...

Muslims all over the world marah denmark media for such irresponsible act.Tak sedar ker actions diorang ni hanya akan buat OSAMA BIN LADEN lagi bengang..and us muslims. Mempermainkan our own prophet. Itu denmark punyer citer.Kita pulak tgh face dgn the action of sarawak tribune for publishing that caricature in their newspaper. Mungkin niat di hati nak tunjuk to us kartun aper yg dimaksudkan ttg Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tapi at the same time they tak sedar penyiaran sebut akan buat kiter marah gaks.Like said by one Datuk(lawyer) in the news yesterday...ada conspiracy untuk menimbulkan kemarahan org Muslim.Tak heran kalau org CIA or FBI terlibat..and lagi tak heran if org mcm Bush yg mengalakkan.

juwaidah said...

Aku memang bengang pasal kartun tuh.. Tambah lagi, paper universiti aku pun publish kartun tu - which led to the suspension of the editor and 3 of its student journalists. Universiti pun siap mintak maap ler.. Satu lagi yg buat aku marah is orang yang dok forward e-mail tunjuk semua gambar2 tu. Sudah ler tu... Tak payah nak forward2 lagi dah.. Isn't it a type of 'penyebaran' and 'republishing' jugak?

Izhal said...

personally I myself hate osama bin laden.

juwaidah said...

yup.. me too..

Anonymous said...

Me too!!!!!