Thursday, March 02, 2006

Extreme Time Management

Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha pengasih, Penyayang.
Demi Masa.
Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian.
Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal salih dan berwasiat (nasihat-menasihati) dengan kebenaran dan berwasiat dengan kesabaran.

Kata-kata Tuhanku dialihkan kedalam Bahasa Melayu...


Jom bincang macamana orang Hamamatsu bahagikan masa. Heheh... This topic came to mind when some of my friends were telling me how much that they dont have time, but they have time to tell me they dont have time... 24 hours a day but workload is like 33 hours... OK, let me tell you that its possible to get 33hours of work done in 24hours. We'll have to scale down into split second timing to talk about this. Take a digital video camera for instance. This little device actually has no time to produce images but still does deliver everytime you turn it on. Its all time management... Oh yes, why orang Hamamatsu in the 1st sentence? Because they make good chips for digital video cameras here in a company called Hamamatsu Photonics...

time to study...

Like us humans, the digital camera has 24milliseconds a day but has 33milliseconds of things to do. What does it do in 24milliseconds? It does what its suppose to do (perkara wajib dibuat), suck in photons from a scene that the big boss man (human owning a digital camera) wants to shoot. Why 33ms? 33ms because thats the time needed between picture sequences that tricks the boss's mind into believing what he/she is seing is actually moving on the digital camera's display. So, as you can see, the poor digital camera has to work in a short 33ms time frame, when actually it's working hours is only 24milliseconds. Tight schedule. How does it do? It manages its time using a timeing circuit which is actually a wired up time table...

If you think about it, this was made based indirectly from the Koran...

Lets take a 0.8MP digital video camera having 252X336 pixels arranged in a ractangle grid as an example. 24ms is the time needed for all of the pixels to suck it the photons from the scene. Once that time is up, the pixels are tired and they rest. The digital camera however has another 9ms to show the boss a picture. It reads out the pixels one line at a time systematically. It needs 6ms/252=23.8microseconds to read out all of the 252 lines of pixles. The raw values from the pixels are noisy, the boss might not like what he/she sees. The digital video camera needs time to clean up the data before it gives the boss the final image...

time for a drink...

So within this 23.8microseconds it will need to run the raw pixel data through cleaning circuits. Lets say it takes 13.8microseconds to clean up a line of the pixels output. Now the digital video camera has a remaining time of only 10 microseconds to process a single line of pixels. If each line has 336pixels, the poor overworked digital video camera needs 29.7nanoseconds to present every pixel output to the boss. Kesian... 29.7nanoseconds, no way it can do that, so it employs many channels of output, lets say 4 channels to make it possible. Lega sikit dia, bolehlah ambil masa 118nanosecond per pixel sekarang in a line of 336 pixels. Having proecessed all 252 lines of 336 pixels per line, the big boss man can see 33 beautiful images in 1 second, much like a cartoon flip book and he/she is happy. Tak sia-sia dia beli digital video camera 0.8MP ni...

time to die so someone has time to eat...

So whether you're a farmer, an engineer, a playboy, a statesman or an imam and think that you dont have time to get jiggy with it doing what you do, think about the digital video camera. Think about time management, think about split second timing. Think about channels you can use to multitask. It is possible to split the second nowdays, actually into the realm of nanoseconds... Tak bazir satu saat pun... So to those who say they have no time, I'd tell you to read ayat Al-Ashr' in a language that you understand and read my blog again... heheh...

time for my two little pixels to sleep...

Time is money? No its not, its better than money...


Ella said...

Hi Izhal,

Wah so technical habis nie... but I do get it... betui ler tu but, like me sometimes my time management mmg hancus hehehehe........

juwaidah said...

Ella, ni Ju from UK. Kita sama dept la.. How's everything doing over there? Iz introduce me to your blog.

maklang said...

Ingat mengingati sesuatu yang patut dilakukan... nak nak dunia macam sekarang ni....

Suka tengok gambar bebudak tidur...
Tenang je...

Anonymous said...

Siapa yang punya masa?
Siapa yang mencukupkan masa?
Siapa yang membolehkan israk mikraj berlaku dalam masa satu malam?
Siapa yang menggerakkan dan memberhentikan masa

Masa pada manusia pada mana?
Masa pada alam semesta pada mana?
Masa pada alam ghaib pada mana?
Masa pada malaikat dan jin pada mana?

Ikelah said...

hahaha... funny but very educative and precise. i learn something new today. :)
the only thing is that weather the pak imam will understand or not the pixels, photons, nano, micro and milli. 1 truely agree 'tak cukup masa' is nonsense. God had given us 24 hrs a day and its more than enough. if it was enough for The Prophet, then its enough for us. its just the time management that we are lack of. we had all the latest technology and toys to aid us and yet we still complaint. its time to evaluate ourself in all aspect if we feel 'tak cukup masa'.

Anonymous said...

Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal salih dan berwasiat (nasihat-menasihati) dengan kebenaran dan berwasiat dengan kesabaran.

When I learn that in school, it was berpesan. But I think berwasiat is a stronger word.
Love your sleeping kids pic :) :) :)

Izhal said...

seronok u faham, tak penat saya menulis... :) i'll write things like this once in a blue moon only, kalau tak tulis mende biase2 and not deep fried pon... your book on 15mins a day tu bila nak dapat??? kang dapat i can ask you for some pointers ya???

saya memang suka kalo depa tidur... tapi kalau balik lab tengah2 malam dah satu hari pulak tu tak layan depa, terasa sunyi jugak. jadi saya gerak depa, lepas tu depa buat stunt, Puan Fara jadi hot, nak suruh depa tidur baliklah...

Allah punya tu... Semuanya ada masa yang ditentukan, kadang2 ko cas ko tentukan tapi yang menentukan apa yang ko tentukan Allah swt... Tak percaya ko setting alarm jam esok pukul 6 pagi... Wacayalu yazit...

hehehe, pak imam faham... takut playboy tak faham je... ehehehe...

I love it when they are a sleep, sometimes... The picture is a little unclear though, malu nak post dalam fotopages, but if you like it, you like :))

Izhal said...


The translation I took was from a Koran in Bahasa Indonesia by Prof. Dr. H.Mahmud Yunus,maybe thats why they used the word wasiat instead of berpesan like you remember... Power memory you ni nooo...:P

Anonymous said...

comel anak abang tgh tidoq tuh :D

Izhal said...

tq suhaimi :)

Anonymous said...

Well, ##NAME##, whaddya know? You've got quite a blog there. Not exactly what I was expecting, but good. I'll make a note to look in again. Rex ##LINK##