Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Omen from Hamamatsu...

Is the world getting more confused or is it just me in Hamamatsu now? The Sakura tree by our window are showing buds... They came out almost 2 weeks ago. Sakura buds usually peek out a week before April. From my previous observation, once the buds are out, it should take about 2 to 3 weeks to fully blossom. Once fully blossom, it takes about 1 to 2 weeks for the flowers to fall of. This means that at the end of April, the flowers would be gone. The past 3 Sakura blossoms occured in mid April... Almost 2 weeks earlier is an omen, 2 weeks shift in time for a flower that has always obeyed its time to blossom... Why?


Puan Fara's fishes used to live here...

successor to the devil (diablo)...

Weather wise, suddenly the temperature dipped cold. We've been enjoying a mild almost end of spring like weather for the past 2 weeks... Why the sudden change? Whats happening? To old people its an omen. Flowers, trees and animalsbehaviour are seen as omens for change to come. Its true, because living beings behaviour depends on the weather which in turn depends on Humans which depend on their mind and actions... Its a circle, a circle that will always revolve to stay perfectly round. Do this, the circle will do that...

the omen and the road...

I'll consult the summer insects once they have awaken from their slumber. The 'semi' (riang-riang) would be more than glad to talk to me... Consult them on whats happening.

Protect the circle...


Anonymous said...

nice blog bro...keep writing

Sherin de Souza said...

Let me know what the bugs say,ok?
That is if u can make out what they are saying..
It could be some sort of a secret code..hehehe.. :)
U keep a good blog, Iz! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Kinda reminded me of Circle of Life..

Ella said...

wah.... so i'll wait to see sakura n learn more bout summer insects here at hamamatsu....

Blabarella said...

Hmm. Ominous post. Pray update us once the summer insects holler?

Lovely blog you have here, btw. *smiles*

Anonymous said...

dunia nak kiamat...

Izhal said...

Thank you, I will...

Bugs speak Da Vincci Code...

Me too...

Nanti bila semua sakura dah jatuh, lawatlah fotopage saya... Saya akan buat time lapse fotography dari sakura berputik, berbunga sampai gugur... Insya-Allah...

Sure will... tomorow my frind is giving me some 'Inago' which are a kind of grasshopper. I'm suppose to cook them for a meal... Or maybe he's going to pre cook them for me... I'll just wait and see...

Dr. Bahiyah,
Akhir Zaman... We are the witnesses to several great prophecies... How lucky we are...

Terima kasih kerana melawat Hamamatsu Now!!!
-Hamamatsu Now Management-